Two beautiful Chinese Ancestor Scrolls

Cph Antiques is pleased to offer two beautiful Qing dynasty Chinese Ancestor Portrait Scrolls. The Chinese have a deep connection and profound admiration and affinity for their ancestors.

“Ancestor paintings” were painted on paper or silk specifically for use in ancestor worship and it was believed the power of the living person resided in their portrait after dead. They almost always depicted their subjects in a nearly live-size frontal pose, most often seated in some sort of throne with a tiger skin, and a beautiful carpet at their feet. 

Generally, they would be wearing formal gowns with insignia that proclaimed their rank and status.

The only differences are gender-related. Woman´s feet, considered a most erotic part of the female body, were always hidden; and more often than not the woman´s hands with her long finger nails were hidden as well. Although the costume worn by the ancestor could indicate court status and social position, the most important part of the portrait was the face. All ancestors were painted with virtually the same expression – a symbolically calm and detached look – to suggest a sort of objective, otherworldly status. 

Chinese ancestor portrait came into use during the Ming dynasty (1368-1644). Before the fall of the Qing dynasty in 1911, ancestor painting were rarely available for purchase or exhibited publicly. Most remained in the hands of family members, and the old tradition were later replaced by the authenticity and exactness of photography. Today, these paintings are recognized as a unique Chinese art form, highly sought after by collectors. 
These examples are gouache on paper and framed. 

For price, availability and more info, read more under the images:

Chinese ancestor painting, SOLD
1.900,00 €

Ancestor painting. A mandarin with a civil rank badge sitting on a chair draped with a tiger skin, wearing a blue robe with dragons chasing the flaming pearl. Besides being compelling art, the painting reveals much about Chinese social and cultural history. China, Qing Dynasty first half of the 19th century.

Condition: Restoration of the paper at the top part.

Dimensions: 117x77 cm

Provenance: Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner, Denmark

Chinese Ancestor Painting, SOLD
0,00 €

Ancestor painting.  Woman with a civil rank badge sitting on a chair draped with a tiger skin, wearing a red robe with dragons. Besides being compelling art, the painting reveals much about Chinese social and cultural history.

China, Qing Dynasty first half of the 19th century.

Condition: Restoration of the paper at the top part
Dimensions: 117x77 cm
Provenance: Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner, Denmark

Mads Gram-Hansen